What on earth do I blog about?

Blogging to own my space and to have my final say.

I make videos, but I don’t use a single sheet of paper. Everything I write is either a form of a script, a memo, or some random piece of useful information that I would like to come back to.

I’m not a millennial, but for the life of me I’ve never kept a diary. I’ve hoarded notebooks for years but they’ve never seen the blessing a sweet smelling mark made of raw ink.

I’ve started at least a minimum of 3 WordPress blogs, which I’ve abandoned after my first “Hello World” post. (you could try and find them. I will guarantee you might find a few of them interesting)

So why then, why again, and why now?

Simple. For Three reasons.

One – Social media has become a tiring thing to deal with in a country that sits on a helm of a sinking Titanic. Sri Lanka, I love you, and I hope you get your act together (30.6.2022)

Two – I’ve started reading again. Gotta thank the powercuts for that. While reading through Austin Kleon’s book – Show Your Work, he talks about owning your own space on the web – a space away from social media, a place under your own name, a space you can call your home.

I’ve owned this piece of real estate on the internet and haven’t used it in almost two years. It just served as a portfolio page, so after reading that I thought why not. Plus, at least during a social media blackout, I will still have my stuff intact and accessible.

Three – I’m done being a perfectionist. The very reason I stop committing to a lot of side projects is the fact that I have this perfectionist nature which becomes the supreme court that decides how I spend my time and whether it becomes with it at the end of the day.

At least for the sake of this blog, I want to keep break off from that organized side of things, just to see where this would end up.

There’s no end or beginning here, incase you were wondering. No formalities. You’re just gonna have to join me for a ride on the train of my thoughts to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

But, before that – Blue Pill or Red Pill – you take your pick. Either way you’re coming with me.

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